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More about: The Boats at Vitlycke Playground

En idéskiss över lekplatsen Båtarna på Vitlycke.

The facility consists of two ships positioned where the shore was during the early Bronze Age. One is set to sail out to sea for a journey, while the other has just returned from a trading expedition.

Seafaring adventures for young explorers: The boats at vitlycke playground

Welcome to our new place for play and learning – The Boats at Vitlycke. The location is inspired by one of Scandinavia's foremost ancient discoveries - the Hjortspring Boat from 300 BCE, and tells the story of travel, trade, and long-distance contacts during the Bronze Age in Tanum. Here, children and adults can, in an inspiring manner, engage with the Bronze Age in Tanum and the world together.

Bronze age journeys unveiled: Outbound ship loaded with hides and amber

The ship that is setting out on a long journey to foreign lands and unknown cultures is loaded with hides and amber – goods that may have been crucial for trade with other countries. The unknown land where the ship eventually lands is also represented through play equipment. Here, you can climb up a cliff-shaped climbing wall and navigate through a forest to find the right path. In the foreign land, classic playground elements like tree stumps and logs with climbing grips are present. The stormy sea is, of course, part of the scenery.

Returning home with precious cargo: The bronze-laden ship and interactive ropes

The second ship, just returned from its long voyage, is loaded with bronze. It is securely anchored with its precious cargo, tied with two ropes—one at each bow in the prow. One at the top and one at the bottom, to prevent it from being blown away by the waves. These ropes invite balancing, and the entire surface stimulates imagination and role-playing.

Balancing act and playful learning: Imaginative experiences at Vitlycke's coastal exhibit

For those who prefer a more relaxed experience, there are several areas and terraces where one can both oversee the play and recharge with a packed lunch. The boats are positioned near the natural shoreline that existed during the Bronze Age, giving visitors an idea of how these boats once existed in the landscape, in relation to the rock carvings. The sea represented at the site mirrors the sea that once filled the bay in Vitlycke, serving not only as a play area but also as an educational element in the museum. The ships, loaded with goods in the form of images representing trade items Bronze Age people brought from here and took back from their journeys, inspire role-playing while providing information about Bronze Age people's long-distance contacts and travels.

We aim for the exhibition to inspire learning and play that fosters imagination, physical activity, and develops children's motor skills. We also want to bring the Bronze Age to life so that both children and parents can engage with the story of the Bronze Age in Tanum and the world together in an exciting, experiential, and interactive way.

Video Uffe Kurtzweil

Listen to Uffe Kurtzweil, who designed the playground, talk about the boats at Vitlycke.(in swedish)

Updated: 2024-02-01 11:05